RecDecom 1.0.0 -- (C)1997 Jeremy J. Sydik. I: Introduction RecDecom is a simple command line utility to recover a LORD II REF file from a compiled REC. This allows recovery of lost code, debugging, and indexing for speed. The syntax is as follows: recdecom where in.rec is the REC file for decompilation. II: Registration RecDecom is SHAREWARE. The shareware version allows up to 50 lines of a REC file to decompiled, allowing you to handle small RECs and to verify that larger RECs can be decompiled (they can). To register and receive the fully working version of RecDecom, fill out the following form and send it with payment (Make checks payable to Jeremy J. Sydik) to: Jeremy J. Sydik PO Box 57331 Lincoln, NE 68505-7331 +--------------------------------------------------------+ | | | RecDecom...................____ copies x $5 = ______ | | | | Name to Register to:_______________________ | | | | Email Address for Delivery:________________ | | | | Total.........................................______ | +--------------------------------------------------------+ All orders will be sent by UUEncoded email after the order is received, and I apologize that I cannot take credit card orders at this time. III: Disclaimer RecDecom is indended for use as a programming tool to allow IGM authors and sysops to debug, index, and recover REC files. This is NOT intended for use as a pirating tool. Such use of this program is illegal, and the author(s) will not be held responsible for any misuse of RecDecom. IV: Contact The author can be contacted at: Home BBS: The Music Connection BBS, FIDO 1:2810/14 Homepage: Email: